colony ridge and the game of finger pointing governor abbott, representative ernest bailes, and william trey harris

Colony Ridge and the Game of Finger-Pointing

The year 2020 reshaped the world with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, driving people to seek change and open spaces to live with their families. Social media emerged as a primary form of entertainment, while commerce giants like Amazon, Doordash, Target, and Walmart deliveries transformed our way of life. Third-world countries struggled even more,…

gov abbott big money donors terrenos houston by john harris and william trey harris

Gov. Abbott Goes After Drug Cartels – But Why Are His Big Money Donors Welcoming Them With Open Arms?

Texas Gov. Abbott has officially signed an executive order labeling drug cartels as terrorists and urging the Biden Administration to do the same.  Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order directs the Texas Department of Public Safety to identify gangs supporting Mexican cartels importing the extremely dangerous and deadly fentanyl and them designate them as terrorist threats. …